
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I can't believe that 2012 is here! Last year was very exciting and productive. I took at trip to Charleston, South Carolina, Spent a couple of weeks at the lake, Flew in a plane for the very first time, traveled to Honduras to teach an overseas Bible school, began my 24th year of teaching, our daughter, Jessica, got engaged to our new soon-to-be son-in-law, Lyndon Waller, and had 365 days of wonderful times with my perfect family and my wonderful friends! I'm looking very forward to 2012! We will spend the first 10 months planning our daughter's wedding that will take place on October 13th, in June, Jessica and I will join a few of our dearest girlfriends for a few days in New York, that I will fly! :), in July, I will again travel back to Honduras for another chance to share Jesus with those precious children there, in August, I will begin my 25th year of teaching, and in October, I will see my beautiful daughter marry the man of her dreams. I cannot wait to see what the next 364 days will have in store for me!

Last week, Jessica and I traveled to Brinkley, AR, to purchase her wedding dress. She was a real trooper! She had a few requirements for her dress, but really didn't have many pre-conceived notions of what her dress should look like. The first two tries were dresses that didn't fit the bill...or her body for that matter! :) The first dress she actually PUT ON, was the perfect dress. We all stood there with gapping mouths, as my eyes begin to fill with tears. It was absolutely the most beautiful thing I've ever seen....(not just the dress, but HER in that dress!) She stood in front of the mirror and said, "This is the dress; no need to try on any other!" 20 minutes...we were done!
Here it is...stunning, isn't it? ha ha....if you want to see what it looks like, you'll have to save the date (10/13/12), and attend the wedding! :)
Where did the time go? Wasn't it just yesterday that she was playing "wedding," making a veil from a bathtowel, and the only man in her life was her daddy?....
Yes, I'm also planning to do a LOT of crying this year. They will be happy tears from a mother who has two of the greatest kids on the face of the earth, (Lyndon will make three...), a fantastic husband whose been by my side for 27 years, and a God that loves, blesses, and saved me in spite of myself. I will probably be very sappy this year as I try to journal my life journey. If you don't like may want to move on.
May God Bless you and yours throughout this new year...slow down, pray, spend time with Jesus, your family, and friends....I sure plan to.

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