
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Carving at Our House

It’s that time of year again….at our house it is a long time tradition that Jessica carve her Halloween pumpkin.  She’s becoming quite the expert!  She went pumpkin shopping today and came home with two of the biggest pumpkins I’ve ever seen!  Clint was always on the sidelines when it came to pumpkin carving…the sight and smell of the insides ALWAYS made him throw –up….another long time tradition!  :)  Anyway, this year, he actually volunteered to cut out the top of her pumpkins, but then quickly exited the kitchen when the “guts” started coming out!  

pumkin carving at our house 2009 028 pumkin carving at our house 2009 029See, there he goes!pumkin carving at our house 2009 039   pumkin carving at our house 2009 030

 pumkin carving at our house 2009 035 pumkin carving at our house 2009 037

Jessica uses every opportunity to make fun of her brother!

pumkin carving at our house 2009 031 Another Halloween tradition at our house is to watch scary Halloween movies….but the favorite of the whole house is “Hocus Pocus.”  The kids have watched it so many times in the past years that the tape is worn out.  They had it memorized.  While at Walmart, Jessica found the DVD of Hocus Pocus!  She purchased it on the spot, so that is playing in the background…’s precious to see them reciting each line as if they were trying out for the parts themselves!  Guess they’ll still be kiddos forever!pumkin carving at our house 2009 034

Ok, on the the next step….applying the pattern to the pumpkin.  Here Jessica takes the patter and punches little holes into the side of the pumpkin so she will know where to cut.

pumkin carving at our house 2009 040

pumkin carving at our house 2009 042

pumkin carving at our house 2009 048 

pumkin carving at our house 2009 049pumkin carving at our house 2009 050

pumkin carving at our house 2009 051The FINISHED PRODUCT!!!!  Great Job Jessica!!!!

pumkin carving at our house 2009 053


  1. I must say that Hocus Pocus is absolutely my favorite Halloween movie. I've already watched it about 4 times this month! Anywho, who knew Jessica was as good with a knife as she is those scissors! Love the pumpkin.


  2. Very cool!! Lauren loves Hocus Pocus also--in fact, she also saw it at Wal-Mart and was very proud of her find!! :-)


  3. I hear there is a razorback pumpkin too. I want to see some pictures of that. Tell Jessica I said "Good job" and "be nice to your brother!".

  4. I hope you don't mind but I printed off a picture of your razorback pumpkin because I liked it so much I want to try it. I will definitely give you props ;)
